The most important ingredient to success is hunger

By Online Guru Trader | Blog

Apr 16

Most people encounter success of a certain level in trading. But the top 10 percent who are very successful in their trading are there because of one very important factor. It’s because they are always hungry. The hunger in them never subside even if they reach a certain level of success in trading. They are as hungry as they were before they succeeded. This is more psychology and mindset than anything else. On the other hand, most people after attaining a certain level of success, they becomes complacent. The hunger in them is gone or becomes less intense. That’s when they normally start to go downhill or experience a plateau. Ultimate success never comes because their hunger is gone or has subsided. Here is a short video done with Tony Robbins which says it best. View the video by clicking here. Please feel free to register for my preview seminar as I will be touching more on why hunger is most important to be successful in trading the financial markets @

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